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2018-07-16 17:40:00





2012.9-2018.1        北京师范大学,理学博士

2015.9-2017.2        波士顿大学,美国,访问学者

2008.9-2012.7        国际关系学院,管理学学士


主要研究方向: 主权债务、银行监管、系统性风险、金融市场复杂性

已发表论文共18篇,其中SSCI 4篇,SCI 4篇,CSSI 4篇,EI/CPCI-S等2篇

1.Wanting XIONG, Yougui Wang, A reformulation of the bank lending channel under multiple prudential regulations, Economic Modelling, forthcoming. ( SSCI期刊,JCR分区Q1,影响因子:3.1)



4.Xiaoyun Xing , Wanting Xiong , Jinzhong Guo and Yougui Wang, The Role of Debt in Aggregate Demand, Finance Research Letters, 2020:101653. (SSCI期刊,JCR分区Q1,影响因子:5.6)

5.Wanting XIONG, Boyao LI, Yougui WANG, H. Eugene STANLEY, The versatility of money multiplier under Basel III regulations, Finance Research Letters, 2020. (SSCI期刊,JCR分区Q1,影响因子:5.6)


7.熊婉婷, 常殊昱, 肖立晟:《IMF 债务可持续性框架:主要内容、问题及启示》, 《国际经济评论》,2019年第4期。(CSSCI期刊)

8.熊婉婷, 崔晓敏:《全球金融危机十周年:教训与挑战——中国社会科学论坛学术研讨会观点综述.》,《国际经济评论》,2019年第2期。 (CSSCI期刊)

9.常殊昱,熊婉婷,刘方:《老挝人民币国际化业务发展》,《中国金融》,2019年第14期。 (CSSCI期刊)

10.Xiaoyun XING, Wanting XIONG, Liujun CHEN, Jiawei CHEN, Yougui WANG, Eugene STANLEY, Money circulation and debt circulation: A restatement of quantity theory of money. Economics Discussion Papers 2018-1, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW). (英文国际期刊)

11.Wanting XIONG, Yougui WANG, The impact of Basel III on money creation: a synthetic theoretical analysis. Economics, No 2018-41, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, 2018. (SSCI期刊)

12.Wanting XIONG, Luca FAES, Plamen IVANOV, Entropy measures, entropy estimators and their performance in quantifying complex dynamics: effects of artifacts, nonstationarity and long-range correlations, Physical Review E, 2017, 95(6-1):062114.(SCI期刊)

13.Boyao LI, Wanting XIONG, Liujun CHEN, Yougui WANG, The impact of the liquidity coverage ratio on money creation: A stock-flow based dynamic approach. Economic Modelling, 2017, 67, 193-202. (SSCI期刊)

14.Wanting XIONG, Han FU, and Yougui WANG. "Money creation and circulation in a credit economy." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 465, 425-437. (SCI期刊,JCR分区Q2,影响因子:2.5)

15.Wanting XIONG, Han FU, Yougui WANG. Emergence of Fair Offers in Ultimatum Game, Artificial Economics and Self Organization, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 2014, 669, 107-118. (CPCI-S收录)

16.Ke WU, Wanting XIONG, Xin WENG, Yougui WANG, Scaling Behavior in Ranking Mobility of Chinese Stock Market, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 408, 164-169. (SCI 期刊,JCR分区Q2,影响因子:3.2)

17.Ke WU, Wanting XIONG, Yougui WANG, Complex Dynamics of a N-players Cournot Game with Adaptive Adjustments, Conference on Technologies and Applications for Artificial Intelligence, 2013, 363-366.(EI)

18.Yougui WANG, Guobin ZHOU, Wanting XIONG, A Dynamic Approach to Money Supply, International Journal of Sciences, 2013, 2, 47-53.(英文国际期刊)

19.Chao WANG, Wanting XIONG, Yougui WANG. Self-Similarity in Game-Locked Aggregation. Chinese Physics Letter, 2012, 29, 128903. (SCI期刊) 



